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Member Summit

Save the Date for the CISC Reunited Summit– August 19, 2022. Watch for more in the CISC News!

The benefits of a CISC Membership:

  • Data sharing with all CISC Member Agencies
  • CHOICE of data sharing and analysis services provided by CISC-wide pricing agreements.
  • 1 Free Lexis Nexis/Lumen crime analysis system Analyst Level license.
  • No Cost access to CISC and other partner agency data in the national NCIS Law enforcement Information eXchange (LInX) for all qualified and trained personnel
  • No Cost access to the FBI N-DEx system for all qualified and trained personnel
  • No Cost access to CARFAX investigative tools with an agreement to share non-CJIS crash data
  • Available help as needed with CISC and/or RDW issues
  • Secure data storage
  • Professional advocate to communicate with industry providers for product services and negotiate contracts.