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CISC Elections Scheduled

First, an announcement: Director Charles Schoepflin, Commander of the Commerce City Police Department, retired in January 2024, leaving one open seat on the CISC Board of Directors.

The CISC and its Member Agencies applaud and appreciate outstanding service from 2021 through 2024. The CISC Member Agencies, their Board, and the team sincerely wish him well in all his future endeavors!

Candidate nominations for the CISC Board of Directors are now open.

Running for election (after appointment) or for reelection to the Board are nominees:

  1. Brighton Police Department Chief Matthew Domenico
  2. Colorado State Patrol Captain Christopher Grimsley
  3. Arapahoe County Sheriff's Office Bureau Chief, and CISC Secretary/Treasurer Jared Rowlison
  4. Aurora Police Department Lieutenant D. J. Tisdale
  5. Open

The Chiefs, Directors, and Sheriffs of full CISC Member Agencies will vote to determine the next CISC Board. The purpose of the Board is to set policies for and decide on important issues of the CISC. Directors receive no compensation for their service from the CISC and are not considered employees of the CISC.

Directors attend Board meetings on the second Thursday of every odd-numbered month.

The Board holds three meetings virtually and three oversees both virtually and in person annually. The Executive Committee—chair, Vice Chair, and Secretary/Treasurer as elected by the Board members—oversees the day-to-day operation of the CISC through the Executive Director, the sole employee of the CISC.

To be eligible for these 2-year term leadership positions, nominated candidates must be employed by a current CISC Member Agency and have the approval of their agency leader.

Please send all nominations to CISC Executive Director David Shipley no later than February 29, 2024.

Each nomination, in addition to the email address, should include the nominee's:

  • Name
  • Title
  • Agency
  • Agency Head (Chief, Director, Sheriffs, etc.)
  • Work and Mobile Phone numbers

The CISC will hold an online election on March 4-7, 2024, with the winning candidate(s) notified and announced on Friday, March 8, 2024.

Elected candidates will be installed during the In-Person and Virtual CISC Board Meeting on Thursday, March 14, 2024, held at the CBI training room, 690 Kipling Street, Lakewood, CO, or via Zoom by invitation.

Please direct any election inquiries or requests to attend virtually to: CISC Executive Director David Shipley